Over the past several months, our lives have been turned upside down due to the coronavirus spread. The WHO has declared the virus a pandemic as the number of infections and deaths are rising. Most people, including reporters, are now working from home. Day-cares, churches, and learning institutions are closed. Even parks and children’s playgrounds are off-limit. Amid all this confusion, most people are rightfully concerned about their health.


Coronavirus Survival Skills


Social distancing is among the most critical measures put in place to curb the increasing spread of the virus. So how do we maintain a sense of normalcy during the pandemic, especially with social isolation? The first step is to stop fixating on the situation and start focusing on what you can do to make your life easier. Attending to different aspects of your well-being and health helps you remain grounded and improves your ability to help those around you.


Manage your stress Levels


With the current reduced access to daily essentials and food, we may find ourselves in stressful situations. With almost everything closed down, we are entirely cut off from social activities and friends. However, you have to take control of your stressors. Here are a few tips:


  • Limit watching the news: Watching the news about the spread and reported deaths of the coronavirus pandemic can increase your anxiety. Ensure you limit the news and only tune in to reliable news centers such as the CDC and WHO websites. You can do this only twice a day.
  • Take advantage of the available stress management techniques: Think deep breathing, journalism, and meditation. This is the perfect time to practice yoga and gratitude. Take advantage of breathing, meditation, and yoga apps to relieve your stress.
  • Keep in touch with family and loved ones: Keep communications lines open. Use phone calls, video chats, virtual happy hours, and online games to touch base.


Keep exercising


Take advantage of the virtual workout programs and exercise to improve your physical and mental health. Follow below suggestions


  • Go for a run and take regular walks.
  • Ride around your neighborhood on your bike.
  • Try out new activities such as Tai Chi, yoga, or Zumba.
  • Create a workout program at home that includes exercises such as pushups, jumping jacks, and squats.
  • Include your children in your workout sessions.