Natural Remedies to Aid with Digestion
Your digestive system is composed of a group of organs working together to help break down the food you eat into nutrients that your body uses for energy. Foods are broken down into proteins, fats, and carbohydrates before being released into your bloodstream to help your body grow and repair itself. The way food is broken down is by enzymes that each adheres to certain molecules to break them down further into something the body can handle. Protease is specifically engineered to break proteins down into amino acids, lipases break down fat, and amylases break down carbohydrates into the body’s main source of energy, glucose (and maltose). If a body is lacking any of these digestive enzymes, the corresponding nutrient can’t be broken down or properly digested. For example, someone who is lacking in lactase might have trouble digesting dairy, which leads to lactose intolerance. For this reason, choosing foods that naturally contain digestive enzymes can help enhance the digestive process.
Herbs with Healing Properties to Include in Your Cooking
Oregano and basil will perk up that tomato sauce you’re simmering and add zest to that grilled chicken. Did you know that oregano and basil also have strong antimicrobial and antioxidant qualities that can actually help boost your immune system? In fact, many of the herbs that are staples in your kitchen have medicinal properties, and healers have been using them for centuries. Here’s a closer look at four of those herbs.
How to Transition to a Vegan Lifestyle
Going vegan is becoming more accessible now due to the influx of accessible alternatives and information online, but transitioning to a vegan lifestyle still takes time and patience. There are many reasons why someone may decide to go vegan, but whatever the reason, the change can be overwhelming.
How to Use Aromatherapy for Your Health
Many people don’t understand how their sense of smell can improve their health. However, aromatherapy proves that smell plays a vital role to a person’s health. The following material will explain how to use aromatherapy to develop your mind and body.
Tips for a Safe Detox
A lot of people these days are realizing just how unhealthy their diet really is. So, in order to get back into the right condition, they may say that they’re “going on a detox.” A detox is basically when someone follows a strict diet which usually consists of fruits, vegetables, and grains. This is done to rid their body of any preservatives, saturated fats, and empty calories. The overall goal is to help restore the body’s functionality to its normal, optimal state. Here are a few tips for a safe detox.
Complementary Medicine
This resurgence of ancient practices has been remarkably successful. While few scientific studies have been done, the anecdotal evidence supporting these therapies has been astounding, so much so that many private health insurances cover some of these services. An increasing number of healthcare providers have begun to utilize a network of complementary treatments, such as those listed below, to help offer their patients the best care possible.
What is Miasma Theory?
Many obsolete medical theories were prevalent for decades before they were eventually proven to be incorrect. One of these is known as the Miasma Theory. This theory was given its name after Hippocrates, the first person to use the word “miasm,” which is related to the Greek word used to describe something that has been tainted. The Miasma Theory was the belief that diseases could be spread by rotting or decaying organic matter. This microscopic matter would then hang in the air, making it foul and was believed to be capable of causing diseases like the Black Death, chlamydia, and cholera.
Homeopathic Remedies for Allergies
The beautiful spring and summer weather brings out blossoming flowers as well as warm sunny days. Unfortunately, not everyone can share the same sentiments on this time of year as it also tends to trigger allergies. Quite a few people are allergic to pollen due to their immune systems falsely identifying the pollen as a danger to the body.
Simple Healthy Habits to Adopt
Practicing healthy habits is the best method for getting into shape or maintaining one’s current level of fitness. Healthy habits aren’t just exclusive to one’s physical well-being. Emotional and mental health is just as important as well. Incorporate the following habits into your lifestyle to help make your life healthier with ease.
Holistic and Homeopathic: Differences in Practice
When exploring alternative medicine, the terms “homeopathic” and “holistic” are common, but their exact definitions may not be readily apparent. In fact, some may even discover that the terms are used interchangeably and mistakenly assume they are synonymous. While both homeopathic remedies and holistic medicine can share common features, they are complementary treatment models with their own unique approach to pathology and treatment.